from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
from __future__ import print_function
# Read Midi Folders from style
import numpy as np
from . import GSBassmineMarkov as markov
from .GSBassmineUtils import *
from . import GSIO
import pickle
[docs]def strip_suffix(filename, suffix=None):
Strip off the suffix of the given filename or string. Extracted from madmom
filename : (str) Filename or string to strip.
suffix : (str, optional) Suffix to be stripped off (e.g. '.txt' including the dot).
filename: Filename or string without suffix.
if suffix is not None and filename.endswith(suffix):
return filename[:-len(suffix)]
return filename
[docs]def match_files(filename, match_list, suffix=None, match_suffix=None):
Match a filename or string against a list of other filenames or strings.
filename : (str) Filename or string to strip.
match_list : (list) Match to this list of filenames or strings.
suffix : (str, optional) Suffix of `filename` to be ignored.
match_suffix: Match only files from `match_list` with this suffix.
matches: (list) List of matched files.
import os
import fnmatch
# get the base name without the path
basename = os.path.basename(strip_suffix(filename, suffix))
# init return list
matches = []
# look for files with the same base name in the files_list
if match_suffix is not None:
pattern = "*%s*%s" % (basename, match_suffix)
pattern = "*%s" % basename
for match in fnmatch.filter(match_list, pattern):
# base names must match exactly
if basename == os.path.basename(strip_suffix(match, match_suffix)):
# return the matches
return matches
[docs]def search_files(path, suffix=None):
Returns a list of files in `path` matching the given `suffix` or filters
the given list to include only those matching the given suffix.
path : (str or list) Path or list of files to be searched / filtered.
suffix : (str, optional) Return only files matching this suffix.
file_list: (list) List of files.
import os
import glob
# determine the files
if isinstance(path, list):
# a list of files or paths is given
file_list = []
# recursively call the function
for f in path:
file_list.extend(search_files(f, suffix))
elif os.path.isdir(path):
# use all files in the given path
if suffix is None:
file_list = glob.glob("%s/*" % path)
elif isinstance(suffix, list):
file_list = []
for s in suffix:
file_list.extend(glob.glob("%s/*%s" % (path, s)))
file_list = glob.glob("%s/*%s" % (path, suffix))
elif os.path.isfile(path):
file_list = []
# no matching needed
if suffix is None:
file_list = [path]
# a list of suffices is given
elif isinstance(suffix, list):
for s in suffix:
if path.endswith(s):
file_list = [path]
# a single suffix is given
elif path.endswith(suffix):
file_list = [path]
raise IOError("%s does not exist." % path)
# remove duplicates
file_list = list(set(file_list))
# sort files
# return the file list
return file_list
[docs]def write2pickle(name, data, path='../../models/'):
Write numpy array in pickle format to the selected location
name: name of the output pickle file
data: numpy array to be exported to pickle format
path: (optional) output folder path
# path = 'rhythmic_analysis/graph_models/pickle/'
import os
if not os.path.exists(path):
with open(path + name + '.pickle', 'wb') as f:
# Pickle the 'data' dictionary using the highest protocol available.
pickle.dump(data, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
[docs]def corpus_analysis(bass_path, drum_path):
TEST : This functions implement the rhythmic analysis used by Bassmine (bassline generator). The input is a corpus of related
Bass and Drum MIDI files.
Input files must match their names : i.e. bass_[trackname].mid , drums_[trackname].mid
The algorithm computes a Markov model of the temporal context (probabilities of transitions between bass beat patterns)
and the interlocking context between bass and kick-drum (probabilities of concurrency between bass and kick-drum patterns)
Markovian models are computed by GSBassmineMarkov module.
[The pitch model is still a work in progress]
bass_path: folder with bass midi files
drum_path: folder with drums midi files
rhythm_model: instance of GSBassmineMarkov.MarkovModel class. It contains initial, temporal and interlocking MTM
kick_patterns: list of kick patterns in collection in Markov dictionary formatted ids
bass_files = search_files(bass_path, '.mid')
drum_files = search_files(drum_path, '.mid')
bass_names = []
drum_names = []
print( "Bass Files")
for bf in bass_files:
bass_names.append(bf[len(bass_path) + 1:-len('.mid')])
print( "\nNumber of files: ", len(bass_files))
print( "\nDrums Files")
for df in drum_files:
drum_names.append(df[len(drum_path) + 1:-len('.mid')])
print( "\nNumber of files: ", len(drum_files))
# File counter
file_it = 0
# Markov analysis object
rhythm_model = markov.MarkovModel(16)
kick_patterns = []
# Pitch Model
# pitch_model = markov.MarkovModel(25);
# pitch_contours = []
for f in range(len(drum_files)):
match = match_files('drums' + bass_names[f][4:], drum_names)
match_file = drum_path + '/' + match[0] + '.mid'
print( ('Bass file: '), bass_files[f])
print( ('Drum file: '), match_file)
print( bass_names[f][5:-3])
# Read Bassline files
bass_pattern = GSIO.fromMidi(bass_files[f], "pitchNames", TagsFromTrackNameEvents=False)
onset_bass = [x.startTime for x in]
bass_rhythm = binaryBeatPattern(onset_bass, bass_pattern.duration)
# print((bass_rhythm))
bass_id = translate_rhythm(bass_rhythm)
# Read Drum files
# Filter kick notes
kick_pattern = GSIO.fromMidi(match_file, {"Kick": 36}, TagsFromTrackNameEvents=False)
onset_kick = [x.startTime for x in]
# Quantize
kick_rhythm = binaryBeatPattern(onset_kick, kick_pattern.duration)
# print( kick_rhythm)
# Translate
kick_id = translate_rhythm(kick_rhythm)
# Update interlocking model
rhythm_model.add_interlocking(kick_id, bass_id)
# Update file counter
file_it += 1
return rhythm_model, kick_patterns # , pitch_model